About Satis
Satis 2.0 is a fully web-enabled fixed asset management software solution that provides you with a 360 degree view of an asset throughout it’s operational life-cycle.
Satis Usage
Asset detail records: Keep track of your asset details. E.g. Asset name, Serial Number, Tag No. (if applicable), Asset type and Make, Location, Current Owner & Custodian, Supplier
Store financial asset records: i.e. Purchase Information, Insurance & warranty information, calculate asset depreciation and accounting details as well as cost center information.
Asset Tracking: Track your assets wherever they go with movement records for each asset and Gate pass forms for items.
Maintenance: keep detailed records of your maintenance types, Contracts, Schedules & Jobs.
Reporting: Pull reports for all your data and get intelligent information for your business

Industries Using Satis
Satis has been implemented across various industries, a strong testament to its versatility and flexibility. These include:

Utilities and Service Providers
Satis is currently being used by service providers to track their tools and equipment around the country.

Information Technology
Many IT organizations and departments have found Satis to be an efficient tool for asset management.

Audit and Consultancy Industry
Satis has also found use in specialized consulting industries where movement of company assets is rampant and it is therefore vital to keep track of them.